The idea for this game came from watching the (criminally underrated) show "For All Mankind". One of the elements that kept the show exciting was how tight fuel margins were for every single mission. I wanted to create a game that plays off this kind of extreme constraint.
Using React Three Fiber and Rapier I was able to create nice floaty physics to emulate the moon. I structured the gameplay around navigating to and from objectives, while minimizing fuel consumption and using refueling pads to jump lily-pad style between goals.
Landing on targets is unforgiving and requires careful attention to your positioning and speed. This in combination with tight fuel limits and floaty controls adds a nice level of challenge to the game.
I created all the 3D assets using blender (with the exception of the rocks which were open source from Pmndrs).
On the sound FX side, I captured the audio for the booster sound effect with an iPhone recording of my condo furnace firing up.
To make creating new levels easier, I made a library of tiles that can be composed to create a variety of layouts. There is a lot of room to improve this further and add more dynamic terrain in the future.
Overall I'm very pleased how this project turned out. I plan to extend the game further with a fluid arcade mode and more dynamic levels as well.
You can play the initial experimental version of the game here: